Dyers Cup
2020 Dyers Cup Rules, conduct, and requirements
- There will be four rounds in this contest.
- Round of 16 (the opening round)
- Quarterfinals
- Semi-finals
- Finals
- Round of 16 and Quarterfinals
- The field will be reduced in half after each round. To advance to the next round, you must earn more points from our judges than half of your competitors. For example, the opening round has 16 competitors. You must be in the top eight to advance.
- Semifinals and Championship
- Head-to-head elimination tournament
- The semifinals will be seeded by the combined points of the first two rounds
- Materials
- We are proud to partner with Epoch Lacrosse for the 2020 Dyers Cup. Each participant will receive four total heads, one for each round as specified in the Round Themes section: Two Epoch’s Men’s Z-One heads and two Women’s Purpose 15 Degree heads.
- The Z-One is engineered for the elite offensive minded player, with a narrow face shape and high flair for maximum control.
- The Purpose 15 Degree is engineered for the new generation of athletes, with our patented 15 Degree bottom rail technology.
- Both heads are proudly made in the United States, and features Epoch’s industry-leading warranty policy, giving players the option to dye their Epoch head without breaching the warranty. This was the first warranty of its kind, specifically aimed to help lacrosse head dyers, and still stands today.
- LaxDip dye must be the only coloring agent used on your heads. This is not for self-promotion (there’s plenty of time outside of the DyersCup for LaxDip to do this!), but instead to keep things fair. For example, contestants can’t bring in paint and other foreign substances/dyes. This contest is about your skill as an artist, not your ability to source products
- Since it will be impossible to anticipate all of the color requests needed, Laxdip will offer all contestants 50% off all dyes for each round, while they are still in contention.
Heads must be unstrung for submission photos. This is a dye contest, not a stringing contest.
- Each entry will be made anonymous by LaxDip to reduce any bias from each judge. This means:
- All photos must be of only your head on a solid white cement background in natural daylight. No light boxes, or body parts, please. Just your lacrosse head and the background. If you need to prop your head up on something, please make it minimal (so that you can’t be identified). This is a dye competition much more than it is a photography competition. At least four angles are required each time.
- Front-facing
- Rear-facing
- Each side
- You may add up to as many more angles as you want to show off a particular detail. Judges are notorious for deducting points for entries with missing sides. They assume the worst and the scores have historically reflected this.
- Filters and editing of the photos is prohibited. Cropping areas outside of the lacrosse head is OK. Just shoot me the raw pictures.
- Your photos are due to doug [at] laxdip.com by 7pm EST on the due date assigned to each round
- No self-identifying marks on your head
- No revealing your creation publicly until after the competition is over
- No contacting the judges with questions about this contest. All questions must be routed through @LaxDipDye
- Your pieces must be appropriate for all ages since there are young children looking at these. Feel free to check with @laxdipdye before you dye if you have concerns about this.
- Any infraction of the above can lead to disqualification. This is at the discretion of LaxDip
- Judges will be given 100 points to distribute between all of the competitors in a round. This is called a weighted poll. This is true for all four rounds, including the semifinals and finals
- Scores are available to anyone who inquires, but note that they are not posted publicly to save poor performers any embarrassment. Every year a handful of the participants in this contest are going on a limb and trying something like this, so no need to discourage them.
- Round of 16: Dye an advertisement for a non-lacrosse company. Use Epoch Purpose head.
- Round of 8: Use a white lacrosse head and one LaxDip dye powder color. Use Z1 head.
- Semi-finals (head-to-head): TBA
- Finals (head-to-head): TBA